The Lowdown on Green Peel® Treatments

What is the Treatment? Developed by leading dermatologist Dr Christine Schrammek, Green Peel ®treatment was the end result of her search for a way to improve complexions swiftly and safely. Her goal was to replenish skin in only five days, using nothing but herbal ingredients and the result was the Green Peel®. This treatment is…

How does Cryotherapy Reduce Inflammation?

Cryotherapy may sound like a futuristic treatment and of course, the whole body cryochambers and localised devices for giving cryotherapy do take advantage of some of the wonderful advancements in technology, but the idea of cryotherapy dates back many, many years. The ancient Romans would take curative plunges in frigidarium baths and the Norsemen and…

What is Cryotherapy used to Treat?

VSP have a great deal of experience in using cryotherapy – using it to treat a vast array of conditions. Cryotherapy has the potential to treat a whole host of inflammatory injuries, chronic pain and serious illnesses through to migraines and depression. It can also be used to great success as a cosmetic treatment for…

What is Cryotherapy?

At VSP we are passionate about cryotherapy and have had great results using it to treat a variety of conditions. You might be sceptical or have doubts about the idea, so let’s look at just what cryotherapy is and what it involves. Cryotherapy literally means the therapeutic use of cold – ‘Cryo’ (cold) ‘Therapy’ (healing).…

What are the Benefits of a Virtual Skin Consultation?

Benefits of a Virtual Skin Consultation during Lockdown in London? Whatever your Skin Concerns may be, from Acne to Pigmentation issues, Dryness and Dehydration to Redness or Sensitivity, Wrinkles, Ageing or simply overall Skin Dullness, a 90 minute online Virtual Skin Consultation can help get to the bottom of the root causes and how best…